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Saturday, September 29, 2012

City of Flagler Beach 2012 Annual Report for Flood-Plain Management

The City of Flagler Beach has established its own Floodplain Management Plan pursuant to the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Community Rating System (CRS).  
In this plan there are several specific action areas that are established to identify either prevention of flooding or responses to flood warnings or actual flooding.  This report outlines these action areas and the progress or lack thereof in each of these activities.

a. Planning and Zoning  -  The City has processed three new building permits in the Areas of Special Flood Hazard in fiscal 2011/12.  In each case, our Land Development Regulations (LDR) have helped us manage development activity in the floodplain and ensure established limitations to impervious surfaces and wetland protection to help prevent and reduce flooding.
b. Stormwater Management – Although the City has not experienced any flood events in the past year, this action item, in conjunction with the City’s Stormwater Master Plan, helps us evaluate the effectiveness of our LDR and recent stormwater projects.  The City has completed four out of seven prioritized stormwater projects. All completed projects have performed as designed to mitigate areas of flooding.  In addition, we have started a project to complete our CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Streetscape Improvements which includes the extension of our existing  stormwater system from S. 5th Street to S. 9th Street on S. Central and S. Daytona Avenues, thereby completing the downtown portion of the system.
c. Drainage System Maintenance – The City’s Roads and Streets Department maintains the stormwater drainage systems throughout the City.  This is an ongoing activity which includes routine monthly inspections, street cleaning as needed to prevent build-up in stormwater structures and vacuuming of stormwater inlets twice this year.

a. Property Acquisition – In the past, the City has purchased several lots in the Areas of Special Flood Hazard.  Most significant are the lots purchased  in the Mirror Lake Overlay District.  In the past year the City has not purchased any lots.
b. Building Elevation – Through enforcement of the City’s LDR, structures located in floodplains are identified through the permitting process and allowed to build to a finished floor elevation of one foot above the 100-year floodplain.
c. Insurance – The City participates in the NFIP and educates property owners, realtors, banks, brokers, architects and contractors annually by individual letter.  The City also maintains information on our website on how to contact us and Flagler County Emergency Services for information regarding flooding.  We also have a kiosk and bulletin board in City Hall to display and distribute floodplain literature.

a. Flood Warning – There have been no flood warnings issued by the National Weather Service this past year.  If there had been flood warnings, the City would have coordinated emergency services through the Flagler Beach Fire Department and the Flagler County EOC.
b. Flood Response – Since there were no flood warnings this past year, there were no flood response plans in effect.

a. Storm Sewers – As stated above, our CRA Streetscape Improvements include 32 new stormwater inlets for the CRA to complete our downtown system.
b. Retention – This year, no new developments were constructed in the City which would require stormwater retention.

a. Map Information – The City Building Department reviews all Permit Applications to determine the location of the property in relation to the floodplain.  We use the FEMA FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) and property survey elevation information to make our determination and apply it to the permit.

source: City of Flagler Beach

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