"...great books are weighed and measured by their style and matter and not by the trimmings and shadings of their grammer." - Mark Twain, a Biography
- Readers have access to more titles than ever before and can get them on demand.
- The customizable reading experience such as changing text size gives visually challenged readers access to the same titles at the same price.
- Publishers are able to reach new readers and the opportunities are wide open to enhance books with things like embedded video and animation in childrens books
- Authors can now enjoy new publishing options with lower cost and no distribution barriers thorugh popular new services like Barnes and Noble's Pubit!
As eBooks grow in popularity and become more of a focus as a format, I constantly get the question concerning the future of book stores themselves. The bottom-line is that book stores will continue to be around for a long time to come. There are some things to keep in mind when it comes to ebooks that is often getting missed by consumers and industry speculators.
- eBooks are simply another format of the book itself. Just as paperbacks or audio versions are another format. Both of which when they came out were thought to be the future demise of the industry. Sound familiar?
- eBooks currently comprise less than 10% of the billions spent on books today. Studies show that at current growth rates, ebooks will most likely meet the demand for print books within the next 5 years. Amazon's recent announcement that Kindle Books out sold print books with them was pretty much expected. If you are a mail-order business that offers digital downloads, of course the digital download would exceed your hard-copy mail order business.
- Book stores have been evolving over the last 25 years a great deal (i.e. cafe's, expanded product lines such as gift and accessories, and now digital products such as ereaders). Companies that embrace change and continue to evolve, will do fine in the years to come.
It's going to be very interesting to see what comes from the book selling and publishing worlds in the next several years. Just click here to check out some really cool publishing examples for children's digital books.